For two people :
-One or two eggplant, 400-500 gr.
-A onion or more than 300 or 400 gr. about.
-Salt, oil, ginger powder, half handful of capers in vinegar.
-Two tablespoons wine vinegar.
Far browned in a pan or in a large saucepan large onion or two, three smaller cut / and thin slices not, add water, oil, one teaspoon of ginger powder. The water should cover everything must dry after cooking and serves only to avoid the risk of burning the onions. The cooking can last 10-15 '.
Once cooked, remove from pan.
Aside before a large eggplant, or two smaller than 400-500 grams. about it / I have already been / and cut / and. If the eggplant looks a bit 'greenish under the skin, to remove the bitterness possible, leave a half hour-hour chunks in a container or colander with a bit' of salt, and a bit 'of vinegar to prevent the 'blackening. Drain the water, and if it is overdone with salt rinse. Put these pieces of eggplant in the pan or saucepan already used for onions, add a little 'oil (two tablespoons), water to cover them, two tablespoons of wine vinegar, one tablespoon capers in vinegar. When they are cooked, after about twenty minutes (a bit 'more if you have not submitted to purge treatment with salt), add the cooked onions, stir and let stand.
Add a bit 'of salt the eggplant if it has been rinsed. Supervise stirring frequently while cooking in both times.
It is a dish to be eaten cold or warm.
NB tubular eggplant with a light violet skins are generally not bitter, dark purple oblong frequently are bitter, sometimes bitter [not to buy her withered, old, because they are very bitter]. This type of eggplant is therefore necessary to purge it. The bitterness is due to solanine, which is present throughout the plant so that defends itself by fungi or insects.