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Emptying of the average size of diameter zucchini; if they are too long, cut them in two. It is important that they are fresh (if you are old tend to become tough in the oven).

Prepare a mixture with tuna, bread crumbs even days before sealing to soak a few minutes in hot water and then pressed to remove excess liquid (the amount of bread will be one and a half / double that of the tuna), a clove or less garlic into small pieces, two tablespoons of olive oil, capers, egg (not entirely necessary), parmesan cheese, add a little 'of salt (moderately because tuna and capers are tasty). If you do not want to use the tuna you can make a stuffing with bread soaked in water (you typically use the leftovers), capers, salt, oil and oregano (if necessary, add a po`di parmesan cheese if you want a more flavorful dish. Fill zucchini, deposit them in a pot or pan in a disposable aluminum, with a little 'of water, salt and oil. Cover with aluminum foil and put to medium-low temperature oven, turning the zucchini occasionally during 40 'approximately. At this stage the courgettes must boil. In the last minutes (plus or minus 10) to raise the temperature, remove the aluminum to dry the cooking liquid, doing so abbrustolire 'surface zucchini. Dish only one who has all the nutritional components. The quantity of the ingredients may 'vary according to taste. Dish only one who has all the nutritional components. The quantity of the ingredients may 'vary according to taste. Dish only one who has all the nutritional components. The quantity of the ingredients may 'vary according to taste.

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